Christoph Hofmann

Champagne D. Rock

Family, my friends and my health are what really matters to me

Family, my friends and my health are what really matters to me

Die Kunst der Champagnerherstellung hat eine umfangreiche Geschichte, die bis ins Mittelalter zurückreicht. Bis zum 17. Jahrhundert wurden in der Champagne ausschließlich stille Weine hergestellt. Die katholische Kirche besaß viele Weinberge, deren Trauben als Messweine oder als Krönungsweine für Frankreichs Könige verarbeitet wurden.

Das ist der Einleitungstext der Erfolgsgeschichte von Christoph Hofmann im Buch „Wege zum Erfolg“. Christoph Hofmann ist CEO von Champagne D. Rock.

I grew up very sheltered in the small town of Freudenberg am Main/Germany, a city with about 4,000 inhabitants near Würzburg. I was born on 08.10.1985 in Wertheim am Main. As an absolute dream child I enjoyed a very good education and was spoiled by my parents when I was young. My father was the mayor of the town and so as children and teenagers my younger sister and I were always „under observation“. That was not easy for me at that time, although always part of my everyday life.

My parents are both from extended families, both have five siblings each and I have over 20 cousins. At Christmastime something going with us. When I was a child I often visited my grandparents‘ farm and even today I keep in touch with my aunts and uncles. My grandparents have unfortunately passed away in the meantime. My family is the absolutely most important thing in my life and for me a haven of tranquility. They ground me after my business trips, during which I often travel to exotic countries, deal with different people and cultures and often move in high society. In order to let my parents participate in my travels, I always bring them something typicalof the country…

Wege zum Erfolg

Vordenker – Vormacher – Vorbilder

Wege zum Erfolg

Vordenker – Vormacher – Vorbilder

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